Univerzitet Algarve Истакнут

By Evgeni Dinev, image ID: 100298303 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net By Evgeni Dinev, image ID: 100298303 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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  • Rationale and justification for the course: Many foreign language teachers are faced with the challenge of moving from teaching methodologies often based on the activities proposed by textbooks to a more challenging communicative approach like TBLT (especially if they involve the use of new technologies), as recommended by the curricula of the Ministry of Education and also by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). \r Seeking to take advantage of the results of several European projects in the fields of ICT and TBLT, this training course aims to help teachers cope with the challenges posed by the CEFR and the implementation of task-based activities in the classroom, by examining examples of good practices in accordance with four levels of the CEFR (from A1 to B2) , in order to learn about the strategies and procedures that best suit the designing and/or adaptation of "task-based" activities.
  • Investigation of the field (state of the art) and innovative character: Only in recent years have researchers paid more attention to the integration of ICT in TBLT. Authors such as Ellis (2003), Nunan (2004), and Willis and Willis (2001) have contributed to the development of theoretical and methodological framework of TBLT. However, in general technology-mediated contexts have not been addressed. The characteristics of such contexts require a specialized approach, since the uses of language also have evolved not only to meet new requirements, but also the potential of ICT. In 2010, Thomas and Reinders edited a volume of studies dedicated to ICT-mediated TBLT, covering subjects as diverse as intercultural exchanges with the application of computer-mediated communication (CMC), network-based CALL, synchronous and asynchronous CMC, teacher training, and virtual worlds. This course aims to update teachers on these latest developments.
  • Target groups: Teachers of Teaching Groups 120, 220, 320, 330, 340 and 350 (Teachers of Foreign Languages in Primary and Secondary Schools)
  • Outcomes: changes in practices, procedures or didactic materials: • Turn learning tasks (task-based) into a current practice in the classroom. • Provide the trainees with strategies and tools to develop proposals for TBLT activities, either through their design, or through the adaptation of existing projects in order to match the needs of the learners. • Encourage the use of ICT as an integral element in the process of foreign language learning. • Motivate trainees to use methods of collaborative work at national and international levels on the basis of the potential offered by ICT.
  • Contents: • Latest theoretical developments in the field of TBLT and the use of ICT. • Contributions of the CEFR to the reflection on the task-based approach. • The role of European projects in the dissemination of good practices. • Modes of implementation of task-based language learning in primary and secondary schools in Europe. • Ways to adapt and adjust task-based activities to the teachers' pedagogical practice. • The language proficiency of teachers and its incidence in the development of such activities. • Modalities of collaborative work at the national and international levels through ICT.
  • Methodologies: a) literature review on task-based activities in the context of the teaching of foreign languages (see titles listed in the bibliography of this proposal). ) info on European projects related to the theme of the training action, namely: a. the International Modules in ICT and Language Learning (LINGUA). . ECNTLT-European Curricula in New Technologies and Language Teaching (COMENIUS) c. ETALAGE-European Task-based Activities for Language Learning; the Good practice Exchange (COMENIUS) d. PETALL-Pan-European Activities in Task-based Language Learning (LLP, Transversal Key Activity 2: Languages) c) analysis of examples of good practice at European level, in particular those provided by the platform of the ETALAGE and PETALL projects. d) adaptation of these practices to the reality of the classroom. e) Issues related to the faculty members’ language preparation for this kind of activities. ) development of a proposal of a task-based activity (whether created ab initio, adapted or redesigned). g) trialing of this proposed activity in the classroom. h) analysis of the results obtained from pre-defined observation and evaluation instruments.
  • Evaluation procedures: Quantitative assessment on a scale from 1 to 10 according to the 2007 rules of the CCPFC and DGRHE. The trainees will be evaluated individually from the following elements: he) Presentation of report of reading and critical appraisal. (20%) ) preparation of proposed activity by tasks to be implemented in the class (s) from forming. (40%) c) presentation of the report on the implementation of the activity.(40%)
  • Follow-up strategy: The trainees will be invited to join the project PETALL platform and to participate in training and research initiatives to be undertaken within the scope of the project.
  • Schedule: From 3-5 months sessions (3 hours each)
  • Approval by the national body: National Scientific-Pedagogical Body for Continuous Training Ref. No. ACC-1425565392
  • Scientific advisor: Name: Jorge Carvalho Affiliation: School of Education and Communication, University of Algarve
  • Bibliography and other resources: ALVES, J. M. (Dir.) (2001). Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas: Aprendizagem, Ensino, Avaliação. Porto: Ed. ASA. ELLIS, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford: OUP. LOPES, A. (2012). Changing teachers’ attitudes towards ICT-based language learning tasks: the ETALAGE Comenius project (the Portuguese case). The EUROCALL Review 20(1): 100-103. LOPES, A. (2014). PETALL: A European project on technology-mediated TBLT. In S. Jager, L. Bradley, E. Meima and S. Thouësny (eds.), CALL Design: Principles and Practice - Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands. Dublin: Research-publishing.net: 209-213. NUNAN, D. (2004). Task-based Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP. NUNAN, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge: CUP. SCHROOTEN, W. (2006). Task-based language teaching and ICT: Developing and assessing interactive multimedia for task-based language teaching. In: K. van den BRANDEN (ed.), Task-based language education: from theory to practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 129-150. THOMAS, M. and H. REINDERS (2010).Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology. Continuum Publishing Corporation. WILLIS, D. and J. WILLIS (2007). Doing Task-Based Teaching (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers). Oxford: OUP. WILLIS, J. (1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning, London: Longman.