University of Belgrade Истакнут

By Verica Markovic License: Public Domain Dedication at By Verica Markovic License: Public Domain Dedication at

Додатне информације

  • Course Title: TBLT in CLIL procedure - New possibilities in bilingual education
  • Rationale and justification for the course: Dissemination of PETALL Project and improving language teaching methodology in CLIL classrooms and other models of bilingual education
  • Investigation of the field (state of the art) and innovative character: Implementing task based activities in CLIL classroom and task evaluation
  • Target groups: Language teachers and content teachers in elementary and secondary schools; trainee teachers; master and PhD students
  • Outcomes: changes in practices, procedures or didactic materials: • Encourage teachers to use tasks in their CLIL classroom and bilingual context • Encourage teachers to use ICT elements in TBLT • Motivate students learning with the use of alternative (formative)assessment
  • Contents: • PETALL Project • TBLT framework (Ellis/ Willis) and its elements • ICT in TBLT • Using tasks in CLIL / ESP / bilingual context • Evaluation of task-based activities • Rubrics and descriptors for language and content assessment • Alternatives in assessment appropriate in TBLT (self-assessment, peer assessment, learning logs)
  • Methodologies: • Introducing PETALL Project • Introducing TBLT in CLIL classroom • Introducing ICT in TBLT • Samples of ICT elements in tasks made for the purpose of the project • Proposal of task assessment methods appropriate in the TBLT / CLIL approach • Workshop  TBLT basics: group formation criteria, resources management, task pattern for and against, fellow colleagues support…  ICT for TBLT purpose  Designing tasks in CLIL / ESP context  Designing rubrics for task evaluation (both content and language)  Discussion: pro & cons
  • Evaluation procedures: Participants fill in questionnaire designed by National Agency regarding the quality of the course, course content, attendees expectations, timing, applicability in classrooms, etc.
  • Follow-up strategy: Participants of the first session will be asked to design task based activities in their classroom and implement them. They will be asked to send us the tasks layout in written form by email or in dropbox and comment the implementation procedure. Since next session will be held at university for master and doctoral students, they may bring short video clips of TBLT lessons they have made.
  • Schedule: Timeframe : 9.30 – 15.00 Number of sessions: 2 Total number of hours for each type of session: 8
  • Approval by the national body: Name of national body: National Agency (Zavod za unapredivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja - ZUOV) Date of approval 19.08.2015. Ref. No. S10462015
  • Scientific advisor: Name: Jelena Filipović Affiliation:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology
  • Bibliography and other resources: Bentley, K. (2010) The Teaching Knowledge Test: CLIL Module. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Coyle, D. Hood, & P. Marsh, D. (2010) CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dale, L. & Tanner, R. (2012) CLIL Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Deller, S. & Price, C. (2007). Teaching Other Subjects Through English. Oxford: Oxford University Press Ellis, R. (2003) Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Evropski savet (2006) Evropski referentni okvir za žive jezike, Podgorica. Hönig, I. (2010). Assessment in CLIL. Case Study. Dostupno na: Manić, D. (2013a). Clil Teachers’ Pre-Service and In-Service Training. Science and Modern Universities. Serbia, Nis Manić, D. (2013b). Education of CLIL Teachers. Improvements in Subject Didactics and Education of Teachers. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Serbia, Belgrade Manić, D. (2014a). CLIL Assessment. Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Lingusitics. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Manić, D. (2014b). Bilingual education – the 21st century challenge. Educators in 21st century. College of Professional Studies Educators. Serbia, Sokobanja Marsh, D. Mehisto P, Wolff D., Figols Martin M.J. (2011) European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education .Dostupno na: [12. 04. 2013] Mehisto, P., Marsh, D. & Frigols, M.J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Oxford: Macmillan Education Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge: CUP. Nunan, D. (2004) Task-based language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Quartapelle, F & Schameitat, B. (2012) Teaching and Learning with CLIL. Assessment and Evaluation in CLIL.Pavia. pp. 29-37 Short, D. (1993) Assessing integrated language and content instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 27 (4) pp.627-56 Thanh, N. & Huan, B. (2012) Task-Based Language Learning and Student Motivation in Vocabulary Acquisition. Language Education in Asia 3(1). pp. 106-120 Thomas, M. and Reinders, H. (2010).Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology. Continuum Publishing Corporation. Vučo, J. (2006a). U potrazi za sopstvenim modelom dvojezične nastave, Inovacije u nastavi, br. 19, Učiteljski fakultet Beograd. Vučo, J. (2006b). Prva iskustva u razvoju dvojezične nastave u Srbiji, Reading Accros Borders: papers in literary and lenguage studies, ur. Marija Knežević i Alaksandra Nikčević- Batričević, Filozofski fakultet, Nikšić Vučo, J. and Zavišin, K. (2011) Bilingual education: the road to multilingualism. Linguistic and Cultural Diversity within Learning Communities: Cross-cultural and Transnational Perspectives, International Burch University Sarajevo. , pp.713-723 Vučo J. and Zavišin K. (2013) Neki aspekti razvijanja veština višejezičnosti i višekulturnog opštenja učenika, Kulture u dijalogu, Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd. Vučo, J. (2014) Dvojezična nastava stranih jezika u Srbiji. U Filipović, J. & Durbaba, O. (eds.). (in press). Jezici u obrazovanju i jezičke obrazovne politike. (Languages in education and language education policies) (str.99-146). Beograd. Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. Willis, J. (1996) A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Harlow: Longman. Willis, D., & Willis, J. (2007) Doing task based teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.