Addictions – There’s a way out!

Additional Info

  • Name: Addictions - there's a way out!

  • Linguistic dimension

  • CEFR Level: A2, B1
  • Linguistic dimension - Skill(s): Writing; Speaking
  • Duration: 2 x 90 minutes
  • Target language: English or any other
  • ICT dimension

  • ICT resources:

    Internet connection; Web quest: Windows; google images; online dictionaries; Go animate; Voky.

  • ICT competences: To browse or search in the internet for specific information; To use word processing ICT tools; To use Windows, Android or IOS programmes to make a presentation; To use free online tools to create animations.
  • Detailed description of the task

  • Situation / theme(s): Addictions - A campaign to stop addictions. Alcohol, drugs, the Internet, shopping; gambling and food are some of the addictions that cause problems to society in general, to families and to individuals all over the world. It is, or should be, a general concern to stop those addictions.
  • Product requirements or prerequisites: Students must be able to use the imperative and be acquainted with the vocabulary of the topic. Internet access, online dictionary with definitions, PC, projector.
  • I can...:
    • I can find specific information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, brochures, menus and timetables.
    • I can understand straightforward texts on subjects related to my fields of interest.
    • I can find and understand general information I need in everyday material, such as letters, brochures and short official documents.
    • I can search one long or several short texts to locate specific information I need to help me complete a task.
    • I can follow or give a talk on a familiar topic or keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics.
    • I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.
  • Product: An anti-addictions campaign.
  • Product requirements or prerequisites:

    Students must be able to use the imperative and be acquainted with the vocabulary of the topic.

    Internet access, online dictionary with definitions, PC, projector.

  • Process:

    Lesson # 1

    • Each pair chooses one of the addictions.
    • After some minutes of thinking, they choose the following:
    • Alcohol, medicines, gambling, mobile phones, orthorexia, vigorexia, food, drugs and kleptomania.
    • Using the guidelines in the web quest students search for information on line and write an anti addiction campaign. Students can use PowerPoint; Publisher or any word processing tool to make a poster or a leaflet. If they choose to do an animation, students can use Go Animate,Voky (free online programmes that allow them to create an animated presentation) or a video using their mobile phones and movie maker.

    Setting homework – If students don’t finish their presentation within the first 90 minutes they will have to do it as homework. At home they must practice the class presentation.

    Lesson #2

    • Pairs present their campaign to the class.

    • Students register information of peer’s presentation and evaluation on a table.

    Peer assessment – Students fill in a table with information from the presentation of their peers.

    Pair’s names








    Evaluation - Teacher will evaluate using direct observation of the task performance according to the success criteria described below. Self and peer assessment will count 10% of the final evaluation, 5% each.

  • Division of roles (optional): Peer work.
  • Consolidating activities suggested or follow up plan:

    If necessary, a debate about the videos presented earlier ( ; can be arranged, followed by a worksheet with questions on the videos and presentations produced by students.

  • Success factors or evaluation criteria:

    Students have done well:

    • if they have presented a persuasive anti addiction campaign using ICT resources and if they achieve the following criteria:

    • Vocabulary - they have used vocabulary and expressions connected to the topic

    • Grammatical correctness - they have used simple grammatical constructions and expressions that they have learnt by heart

    • Fluency - they have been able to talk for a longer period of time without lacking words or making too many mistakes

    • Coherence - they have been able to link sentences with fitting connectors and used conjunctions quite frequently

    • Interaction - they are active within the small and larger group, and share their ideas and accept other people’s opinion and criticism.

    • Pronunciation - they could pronounce the words used correctly and  could correct some major mistakes made by your classmates or group members.

  • Authors: Lúcia Nassa Tardão
  • Didactic added value of the task and other information

  • Practical hints for teachers:

    In order to avoid delays in lesson development, always download videos beforehand using a youtube downloader like iLivid. for example. can be used by students to check on their pronunciation.

  • Additional methodological or didactic comments:

    Set precise deadlines to conclude the task. If students don´t finish after the 2nd 90 minutes, ask them to finish it at home.

    Be precise in setting the goal of the task and in explaining the evaluation criteria.

    If you wish to receive more information about the task or discuss its adaptation and implementation with its author, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Reasons why this task is a model of best practices:

    The task was created to develop language competences using ICT resources and to develop social competences by enlightening the danger of having addictive behaviours.

  • Impact that it is expected to have on the teaching practices and attitudes:

    Engage teachers in the inclusive use of ICT in the language lesson.

    Encourage teachers to adopt TBLT and CEFR in their practice.

  • Reasons why this task travels well:

    This task can be introduced in the Health and Body care theme which is transversal to most national syllabuses and  foreign language programmes.

  • Rationale and/or theoretical underpinnings of the task: TBLT using CEFR common reference levels. B1 task taking into account the public domain - students are engaged in persuading others to stop an addiction.
  • Preferencial target age group(s): Young learners and high school students

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