Poor Party/Rich Party Featured

Additional Info

  • Name: Poor Party/Rich Party

  • Linguistic dimension

  • CEFR Level: B1
  • Linguistic dimension - Skill(s): Listening; Writing; Speaking
  • Duration: 180 minutes (2x 90 minutes lessons)
  • Target language: Any modern language
  • ICT dimension

  • ICT resources:


    Google; Google Images; Google translator; PowerPoint; Excel; Word

  • ICT competences: To browse or search in the Internet for specific information; To use text processing and calculating ICT tools; To use Windows, Android or IOS programmes to make a presentation.
  • Detailed description of the task

  • Situation / theme(s): Birthday party budget; food, drinks, location, invitation, entertainment, dress codes.
  • Product requirements or prerequisites: Students must have a pre knowledge of food and drinking vocabulary; Internet access, online dictionary with definitions, PC, projector, cards with the indication 150€/150£ and 1000€/1000£
  • I can...:
    • I can follow or give a talk on a familiar topic or keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics.
    • I can express my opinion on different themes concerning everyday life and I can also justify my opinion;

    I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest.

  • Product: Oral and written presentation of a budget for a birthday party.
  • Product requirements or prerequisites:

    Students must have a pre knowledge of food and drinking vocabulary; Internet access, online dictionary with definitions, PC, projector, cards with the indication 150€/150£ and 1000€/1000£.

  • Process:


    1st 90 minutes

    • Students watch part of the programme “Rich Bride/ Poor Bride” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PGEqtzOXrY (5 minutes) as a warm up.

    • Class discusses about the theme of the show– Preparing a wedding party within a budget. What do we have to think about when preparing, for example, a birthday party? The brainstorming ideas are registered on the board. (15 minutes).

    • Teacher explains the task:

    • In groups of two, students will have to arrange a birthday party on a budget.

    • There are two budgets: 150 €/150£ or 1000€/1000£.

    • Each pair of students will randomly pick a card from the teacher to check which budget they will have to manage;

    • After they know their budget, each pair of students will have to search in the Internet for a location for the party; the catering (food and drinks); the entertainment during the party (magicians, music, clowns, dancing …); the invitations (60 minutes)

    • Students will have to present their task using PowerPoint or Word. They can use a table on an Excel file to sum the costs of their party.

    • Teacher explains the importance of documenting every information with images and references to real prices/places/costs.

    2nd 90 minutes

    • Pairs present their birthday party budget to the class.

    • Students register information of peer’s presentation and evaluation on a table.

    Peer assessment – Students fill in a table with information from the presentation of their peers.

    Pair’s names


    Food and drinks



    Total Cost




    Setting homework – If students don’t finish their presentation within the first 90 minutes they will have to do it as homework. At home they must practice the class presentation.

    Evaluation - Teacher will evaluate using direct observation of the task performance according to the success criteria described below. Self and peer evaluation will count 10% of the final evaluation, 5% each.

  • Division of roles (optional): Peer work; Presenters and evaluators (2nd lesson)
  • Consolidating activities suggested or follow up plan:

    For older students, watch the scene of the film The Great Gatsby at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8wtDY6TZgc and discuss it with the students.

    Students describe the scene imagining the food and drinks that was served.

  • Success factors or evaluation criteria:

    Students have done well if:

    • They present a coherent budget for a birthday party using

    • ICT resources and they achieve the following criteria:

    • Vocabulary
      they have used vocabulary and expressions connected to the topic

    Grammatical correctness
    they have used simple grammatical constructions and expressions that they have learnt by heart

    • Fluency

    they have been able to talk for a longer period of time without lacking words or making too many mistakes

    • Coherence

      they have been able to link sentences with fitting connectors and have used conjunctions quite frequently
    • Interaction

    they are active within the small and larger group, and share their ideas and accept other people’s opinion and criticism.

    • Pronunciation

    they could pronounce the words used correctly and could correct some major mistakes made by your classmates or group members.

  • Authors: Isabel Orega – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Lúcia Nassa Tardão – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Didactic added value of the task and other information

  • Practical hints for teachers:

    In order to avoid delays in lesson development, always download videos beforehand using a YouTube downloader like iLivid for example.

  • Additional methodological or didactic comments:

    Set precise deadlines to conclude the task. If students don´t finish after the 1st 90 minutes, ask them to finish it at home.

    Be precise in setting the goal of the task and in explaining the evaluation criteria.

  • Reasons why this task is a model of best practices:

    To develop language competences using ICT resources and to develop social competences by involving students in a task that is close to their interests. 

  • Impact that it is expected to have on the teaching practices and attitudes:

    Engage teachers in the inclusive use of ICT in the language lesson.

    Encourage teachers to adopt TBLT and CEFR in their practice.

  • Reasons why this task travels well:

    Students worldwide identify themselves with the topic and feel motivated to organize their own birthday party.

    Values of the budgets can be arranged in order to fit the economic situation of the students performing the task.

    Students make their own choices according to social, cultural and economic background.

  • Rationale and/or theoretical underpinnings of the task: TBLT using CEFR common reference levels.
  • Preferencial target age group(s): High school students

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