digital camera / smart phone
online dictionary
word processor / layout programme
projector and computer in classroom
Internet connection; Internet access, computers with Internet access for all participants to send emails
I can
corrections / comments on products in a round robin or on the board
Task is completed successfully if
Completion of task is excellent if the document and its presentation was enjoyable and easily understandable to classmates, resulting in ample feedback and ideally a discussion based on the material. Completion of task is inadequate if neither the document nor its presentation was understandable to classmates, and no positive feedback or discussion followed.
Give students an idea of what they might be looking for;
make sure that all groups have an email account;
teachers need to set the length of the product based on the student competence levels.
students should
Using the internet and other IT media offer a new approach to teaching and might motivate teachers and students to apply modern media more often.
Teachers and students get aware of the opportunities offered by modern media as well as their own surroundings for relevant use of the language.
This task can be used in any class also with other topics of interest. It fits well into any curriculum.