The consortium

10 tandems of teacher education departments and 10 practice schools are working together to select samples of good practice of ICT-based task activities for language learning related to the Common European Framework. Each country is represented by a tandem formed by a teacher education department and a secondary school. Each tandem collaborates with two tandems in the neighbouring countries.

German tandem Landesinstitut für Schule Bremen Kippenberg Gymnasium
Greek tandem University of Patras 13th Junior Secondary School of…
Spanish tandem University of Granada & IES Luis Bueno Crespo
Italian tandem University of Turin   Istituto Comprensivo di Chieri…
Hungarian tandem   Eötvös Loránd University   ELTE Radnóti Miklós…
Dutch tandem University of Amsterdam Regionale Opleidingsschool WF
Portuguese tandem University of Algarve Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Iria
Serbian tandem University of Belgrade Aviation Academy, Belgrade
Turkish tandem Gazi University Gazi University Foundation Private Secondary School
Scottish tandem University of West Scotland Trinity High School, Renfrew